Stepping Stones Ministries is a UK Christian charity established in 2004 to raise funds and facilitate projects that alleviate the effects of poverty in rural West Bengal, and other areas in India. Its founders and trustees all live in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England and meet regularly to facilitate the work of the charity.
The charity enjoys close links and support from individuals, families and churches across the UK who sponsor the children in our care and the projects we undertake.
The charity was established following 10 years of work with the poor which began in 1994. During those 10 years, the focus was upon taking short term mission teams to work in orphanages, clinics, delivering aid to the poor and supporting community projects that focused upon helping those who couldn’t help themselves. This period was when we built relationship with families and organisations who remain part of our trusted network to this day and who we consider part of the Stepping Stones family.
The Stepping Stones Centre in Ranaghat, West Bengal is now home for up to 80 vulnerable boys and girls and is the administration centre for projects that assist families vulnerable to exploitation, sickness, hunger and/or those effected by natural disasters which are happening more frequently due to global warming.
Our Centre also hosts health clinics, blood donation camps and a food bank, and is a resource where community groups can meet. Our main hall is used daily for educational purposes, dance, drama, music and prayer.
Stepping Stones - India is our partner NGO which manages our Stepping Stones Centre, including both our children’s homes, and all our outreach projects. The NGO was established in 2005 and is managed by a team of Trustees who are Indian Nationals. All are close friends and colleagues that we have known and served with for many years.
Presently, there is a permanent team of 15 qualified staff who run our 2 children’s homes and a large team of local volunteers who assist with all our outreach projects.
Several staff members live on site with the children while others live locally.
You will find more information about our ‘Children’s Homes’ and ‘Village Outreach’ by clicking on the relevant Pages.
If you would like to find out more about the work of Stepping Stones in India please get in touch with Richard or Tracey using our ‘Contact Page’.